Cat Adoption Application Form Name(s) of the cat(s) you are interested in Name (required) Street Address (required) City (required) ZIP/ Postal Code (required) Country (required) Email (required) Telephone Date of Birth (required) Occupation (required) Closest Airport for international adoption (required) 1. Why are you interested in adopting a companion animal 2. For whom are you adopting a cat? 3. How many people live in the household and how old are they? 4. Who will be the primary caretaker of the cat? (responsible for feeding / taking outside)? 5. Who will be responsible for the cat in case of absence of the primary caretaker? 6. What type of home do you live in? 7. Where will the cat be kept? IndoorsOutdoorsIndoors & Outdoors 8. If outdoors,will the cat be attended / unattended / collar & tags? 9. How far from the road / traffic is your home located? Is the volume of traffic light / moderate / heavy? 10. Are you planning on declawing? * 11. Is this your first companion animal? If no, please describe your current and past pets: 12. Have you considered all extra expenses that will come with owning an animal? (food, vet bills, equipment, boarding, etc..) 13. What precautions would you take to properly introduce a new cat to your home if you have other animal? 14. How many hours a day will the cat be left unattended? 15. Where will the cat stay when you are at home? 16. Where will it be kept when you are out? 17. How often do you travel? What will you do with the cat when you travel? 18. If you move, what will you do with the cat? 19. What kind of personal situation could lead you to give up your adopted cat? 20. Have all ADULT family members agreed on the adoption of this cat? yesno I accept the privacy policy. Important: Please press the Submit Button only one time and wait a few seconds until you get the confirmation. MAIN SPONSORS FollowFollowFollowFollow