Dog Adoption Application Form Please leave this field empty. Name(s) of the dog(s) you are interested in Name (required) Street Address (required) City (required) ZIP/ Postal Code (required) Country (required) Email (required) Telephone Date of Birth (required) Occupation (required) Possible airports for collection (required) 1. Why are you interested in adopting a companion animal 2. For whom are you adopting a dog? 3. How many people live in the household and how old are they? 4. Would your new dog be expected to be in the presence of small children, either from visiting friends or due to your family expansion. 5. Who will be the primary caretaker of the dog? (responsible for feeding / taking on walks / vet visits etc)? 6. Who will be responsible for the dog in case of absence of the primary caretaker? 7. Describe your home (Please provide as much detail as possible - e.g if you live in a flat - does it have a balcony, is the balcony facing towards a quiet or noisy area? What floor is it on? Are there other flats on the same floor? Stairs or elevator? Approximate size?) ? 8. Describe your local neighbourhood including local walking areas (Please provide as much detail as possible - e.g. noise levels, traffic levels, are there many other dogs being walked/cats that roam in the area, distance to parks/fields/beaches, how busy traffic is it to get there, how busy are these areas other with people?) 9. Do you own a car? yesno 10. If you have a garden, is it securely fenced? How high is the fence? Do you share the garden with other people or animals? 11. Are you willing to take the time to toilet train a dog? Do you understand that the big change of environment from shelter to home may cause the dog to have accidents? 12. If a behavioral problem arises, what steps will you take to work on it? 13. Will you take training classes? How will you train your dog? 14. Do you have other animals at home? Or that your new dog would socialise with? Please provide their age, sex, temperament, how they are with other dogs - Are they accepting of other dogs and any other details you would feel are relevant. 15. Have you owned dogs in the past, please provide details 16. Have you considered all extra expenses that will come with owning an animal? (food, vet bills, equipment, boarding, etc..) 17. How often will you exercise the dog and for how long approximately? 18. Do you have a dog walker? yesno 19. What will you use to walk your dog? 20. How many hours a day will the dog be left unattended? 21. Where will the dog stay when you are at home? 22. Where will it be kept when you are out? 23. How often do you travel? What will you do with the dog when you travel? 24. If you move, what will you do with the dog? 25. What kind of personal situation could lead you to give up your adopted dog? 26. Have all ADULT family members agreed on the adoption of this dog? yesno I accept the privacy policy. Important: Please press the Submit Button only one time and wait a few seconds until you get the confirmation. MAIN SPONSORS FollowFollowFollowFollow