On a mission to end animal suffering
Lanta Animal Welfare was founded by Junie Kovacs in 2005. Her mission was to end the suffering of the hundreds of homeless, abused and injured animals on Koh Lanta. To date, we have sterilised and treated over 15,000 animals, and with your support we continue to grow helping more and more animals each year.
Behind the scenes
Thanks to Down To Earth Film for producing this amazing video for us.

Life Saving Work
Find out what our vets and vet nurses get up to in the only vet clinic on the island.
“By sterilising one male and one female cat, more than 2 million unwanted births can be prevented in just 8 years.”
We believe sterilisation is the only long term humane way to end the homeless animal crisis.
YOU can be part of our mission…..

Our Projects
We are always striving to improve the lives of animals both at the centre and the surrounding areas. Learn about and become part of these vital projects, from mobile clinics to state- of-the-art Cat Havens!
A lack of education is responsible for many cases of abuse and the over population. See how we are trying to put things right…

Lanta Animal Welfare is a recognized Foundation in Thailand and we are also a US registered charity
USA Charity Registrations: EIN 46-1036210, and DLN 17053300355012
Thai Registration TIN number: