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4 yrs


I can live with older children

I can live in a rural area or a city

I can live with other dogs

I can live with cats

I need medium walks

Thai mixed breed

About Me

Skully here – nice to meet you.

When I arrived at LAW I had a lot of injuries to my head – I think that’s why those cheeky vets called me Skully! But I don’t mind because everyone here has done such a good job of looking after me and making me better.

I am a pretty relaxed boy that gets on well with other dogs and I love hanging with humans too. Now that I am well again (see below) I am living in an area with Tank (boy) and Dash (girl) and we get on great together. I am a bit older than them so I am teaching them how to behave and do the right things. So nice to hang out with other dogs that are friendly to me.

Adopted to UK

What Makes Me Special

Not to boast or anything, but I might be the calmest and gentlest dog you’ll ever meet!
They tell me I am good at walking on the lead and I love getting out for a walk so much. I do make the staff laugh, though, when I do my party trick! I get a bit excited when I have a wee so I celebrate by jumping around and barking a little. I think it shocks them a bit because I am so quiet the rest of the time.

Why am I Here at Lanta Animal Welfare?

I was living on the streets in Trang province when the team from LAW rescued me. Life on the streets was tough and I was picked on by bigger dogs – they always wanted to fight with me. I had many injuries from dog bites which had become infected and I was very weak so I am so happy the LAW team came and took me to Koh Lanta. Six months later and I am fully recovered and I am now ready to look to the next stage in my life, in a forever home.